Kiki TwoBees was born, like all of us, with an Innate Love for Mother Nature and this Home that she learned to call Earth.

When Kiki grew to be an adult, she found a group of people gathered at a magical place called Bioneers.  Tribes of people from all over the world gathered at this place - to talk of Nature, to share cultural stories and exchange solutions for living in harmony and peace with Mother Nature and All Beings on the Earth.

Kiki frequented Bioneers and learned many wonderful things about Nature. Some she had known all along (the ones we are all born with), some she had forgotten and some she had never heard of before.

She met a woman who talked of the Ocean. She meet women who talked of the Land. She met a woman who knew all that could be known about Fire, the Sun & the Moon; and yet another women who knew all that could be known of the Air.

She meet babies, children, tweens, teens, adults, moms, dads, grandparents, great grandparents and the Elders. The Elders, in particular - the 13 Grandmothers - spoke of a simpler time and shared about a time when Nature was at Her Bounty...the Water was clean, the Air was clean, the Land was clean and the Sun and Moon shone brightly and guided us through our days and lives. The 13 Grandmothers and all of their Wisdom, shared freely the Secrets to Living in Harmony and Peace with Earth and All Beings. In their storytelling ways, with the gentle firmness that a Grandmother can - as she smiles with warmth, comfort and a twinkle in her eyes - told Kiki to set forth on a Quest - A Quest to Find and Save Turtle Island.

Kiki set out on this Quest. 'Twas an adventure. An adventure to find the places on the Earth where there is no pollution. To find a place where there is no over population. A place where there is no over development. A place where All People and Beings are Living in Harmony & Balance with Nature & One Another - something she had mostly heard of through storytelling through out the years. A place that she, and others, had forgotten & lost track of along the way.

Kiki was given tools by the 13 Grandmothers to go out into the far curves of Mother Earth and seek to find a place that is not polluted, developed or destroyed by humans.

"Find the place we once knew - a place where Nature is at her bounty...the water is clean, the air is clean, the land is clean and the sun and moon shine brightly and can continue to guided us through our days and lives. A place where the humans & animals all live and play together in balance with the plants and all beings.

Along the way, if you see a place that is polluted, developed or destroyed by humans, find a simple way to be helpful and clean up. If you see a piece of trash on the ground, pick it up and put it where it belongs, if you see a creature who is suffering... Help it - listen to it, care for it, be with it.

You may find, in today's world, that there are many places that are polluted, over populated & over developed. Don't get discouraged. Keep caring for Mother Earth and All Her Beautiful Beings...and while you are caring for her - Look around...Notice there are people just like you who are taking care of the Earth, just like you.

Look around...Notice what the Animals do.
Notice how they live in harmony with the Earth.

Learn from the Animals.
Learn from the Animals & the Plants.
Learn from the Water.
Learn from the Air.
Learn from the Earth.
Learn from the Sky, the Sun, the Moon.
Learn from the Energies, Spirits and Souls that live within all of these.
Allow for your Spirit and Soul to communicate in any respectful, loving and peaceful way you choose with the Souls and Spirits of Mother Nature and Our Home called Earth.

All are one.
All are alive.
All are connected.
All are intelligent.
All are relatives.
We are all Unreasonable Beings for the Earth if we choose to be!"

Kiki has now been traveling for quite some time on this Quest. She still looks for clean air, water, land, etc. She still helps a fellow being who is suffering. She still uses the tools she learned at Bioneers from the Grandmothers and Unreasonable Women. She still goes to Bioneers. She still visits with the 13 Grandmothers on occasion to share hugs, healthy food and Wisdom on what to be and do each day on the Quest.

Kiki challenges you to be all you can be. Do all you can do in this Quest For and to Save Turtle Island. Look for clean air, water, food, land. Look for people who like and love these values and become friends and Framily with them....and when each of you, on your Quest, sees someone or a someplace or something (an animal, a person, a place, a thing, etc) that is suffering or struggling from imbalance - offer help. Find a solution and make it better....or at least don't make it worse.

If the water's dirty, clean it. If the air is dirty, clean it. If the land is dirty, pick up the litter. And remember - doing nothing is useful too. Be neutral. Do nothing... don't drive, dont use electricity, don't pollute the water, don't buy things.....

Just Be... Just Be....
We are Human Beings. Not Human Doings.

Be and enjoy Nature today. Feel, See, Hear, Taste, Smell Experience Nature.
Love her like a Grandmother....

All along the Quest remember to have Fun!!! Have fun in the Magical Mystery of Life. Play while you, your friends and framily find silly, creative & magical ways to care for and live in Harmony with Mother Earth

Oh, and - Mother Nature LOVES to hear your Prayers. Pray...Breathe...Pray...Breathe...Pray...Breathe

The 13 Grandmothers always remind Kiki TwoBees:





~BE COMPASSIONATE - suffer in passion with all


~BE LOVING - Love is a verb